Tryptic Soy Broth (TSC) Granulado - 500 Gr - Merck
Código: 15208
CASO Broth (Casein-peptone soymeal-peptone broth)
TSB (Tryptic Soy Broth)
Universal culture media free from inhibitors and indicators for a wide
spectrum of applications.
They comply with the recommendations of the United States Pharmacopeia
XXVI (2003) and the European Pharmacopeia II.
Typical Composition (g/litre)
Peptone from casein pancreatic17.0;
peptone from soymeal 3.0;
D(+)glucose 2.5;
sodium chloride 5.0;
di-potassium hydrogen phosphate 2.5
Suspend 30 g/litre, autoclave (15 min at 121 °C).
pH: 7.3 ± 0.2 at 25 °C.
After preparation both media are clear and yellowish-brown.